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Check out our latest series

We are WHEMS

Concerns about your healthcare are no simple thing, but health information access can be

Women's Health Education Made Simple brought to you by physicians  medical students and allied health professionals.


New Series Launched! Take a look now!


The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated health inequities by disproportionately affecting ethno-racial minorities. It is important that we understand the impact of COVID-19 and vaccine uptake in these communities to mitigate undue harm during future public health emergencies. So, we are recruiting participants for a study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the Black and South Asian community!


If you identify as Black or South Asian/Indo-Caribbean, between the ages of 18-65, live in the GTA, and have not received a COVID-19 vaccine¬– we want to hear your thoughts! You will receive a $25 gift card for your participation and you will play an important part in informing public health planning. Rest assured that all your answers will be kept confidential.


If you would like to participate, please fill out the interest form linked in our bio! Tell your parents, aunts, uncles, and friends about our study– help us spread the word!


On behalf of Dr. Deborah Money 

We are delighted to announce that the COVERED Vaccine Registry Study has officially launched! Participants can pre-register by filling out a short form on our website, after which they will receive further information and an e-Consent. 


About the Study:

Individuals who have been pregnant or lactating during the COVID-19 pandemic will be invited to take part in the COVERED vaccine study. Participants do not have to have already received a COVID-19 vaccine, nor do they need to intend to receive the vaccine.

Through this registry and survey, we will monitor the attitudes, safety and effectiveness of the various vaccines for those who are pregnant and lactating.

WHEMS Research Updates

On March 12th, 2021, medical students and WHEMS executive members, Thirushi Siriwardena and Tharani Anpalagan, presented a new project titled, “The use of telemedicine to provide maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic” at the University of Toronto’s 2021 Health and Human Rights Research Poster Fair. It is an ongoing scoping review study on the implementation of telemedicine within obstetrical care during the COVID-19 pandemic. They would like to thank their supervisor, Dr. Rohan D’Souza, for his guidance and support, their librarian, Jessica Hanley, for her help with the search and screening, and their colleagues, Salwa Farooqi and Carleigh Clarke, for helping with protocol writing and screening. Finally, they would like to thank the rest of the Women’s Health Education Made Simple team for all their help and support throughout this project! Stay tuned for the final results of the study!

Thirushi Siriwardena

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Tharani Anpalagan

WHEMS Hiring

Recruiting a Volunteer to lead the newly launching WHEMS Tik Tok Team!


We are looking for a lead to manage the WHEMS Tik Tok page which will serve to engage new audiences. You will be working with a team of volunteers to create short clips about women’s health content and promote WHEMS' work.



-        Comfortable creating short videos for Tik Tok

-        Background in media studies or health is preferred 

-        Creative, leader, independent, and accountable 

-        Interest in women’s health


To apply, please send an email to with your full name, program and year of study, and a short description (5-10 sentences) of your skills and experience that would make you a good fit to lead the WHEMS Tik Tok Team.

Take a look at our WHEMS Series

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Early Pregnancy Loss

In this series we cover early pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy in a Pandemic 

Pregnant or planning a pregnancy during the pandemic?  Wondering what COVID-19 means for your and your baby?

Mental Health

In this series, we address the unique mental health needs of women, covering topics such as postpartum depression and pregnancy loss.

Periods and Bleeding

Whether you've just had your first period, or you need a refresher on menstruation, you've come to the right place.  

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Pelvic Pain

In this series we address the unique health concerns around pelvic pain. Stay tuned for our series launch this summer!

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Breast Cancer

In this series we have health experts tackle topics such as breast awareness, breast cancer, breastfeeding and more. 

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In this series we cover all things cancer! 

Any suggestions?

Do you have a topic you would like more information on? Is there something you feel other women should be informed on? If so, please leave a suggestion in the linked form!


WHEMS is made for YOU and we want to create content that will be helpful to you and other women!

*WHEMS cannot guarantee the accommodation of all requests.

Proudly brought to you by WHEMS Member Bianka Bezuidenhout. 2023

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